Christa Couture is a Canadian artist whose bio is so moving that you have to be amazed that she has the strength and energy to write and record music at all. She had a battle with cancer in her teenage years which led to the loss of a leg to the disease and then suffered the deaths of her two young children under separate circumstances. Such tragedy would destroy many people but these events have been chanelled into storytelling through music, this being Christa's fourth album.
Far from being melancholly or suggesting resentment, the twelve tracks are clever and in many cases upbeat, even though one such number, "Separation / Agreement" deals with the break up of a long term relationship. The album was recorded in Nashville and has some quality contributing musicians including the fiddle of Fats Kaplin on "Lovely Like You", a cheery love song. Most tracks are of the more gentle variety and it is in the storytelling songs where Couture is at her best in the tracks "Solid Ground" and "In The Papers". This is a nice rounded album from a courageous artist.