Husband and wife duo, The Eisenhauers, (Jeremy Eisenhauer and Sheree Plett Eisenhauer) recently uprooted themselves from Vancouver to live in the wildness of the Kootenays. The Road We Once Knew, their debut album, traces the changes we go through as we grow-changes in location, change in what is important to us. Country music with a distinctly Canadian backdrop, the spare vocal harmonies and push-pull of the lyrics are reminiscent of some of the great couples such as Johnny Cash and June Carter Cash. Although this is their debut as The Eisenhauers, both Jeremy and Sheree have plenty of musical experience, which, in combination with their newfound isolation, allowed them to explore their songwriting at it's essence. Recording with roots music veteran Steve Dawson in Nashville, allowed them to further hone their sound. The result is a quiet yet powerful, sweet yet time-worn collection of songs that will resonate with anyone trying to live their best, most authentic lives."